Thursday, April 9th, 2020. Safe down in my rabbit hole while the world above is in captive chaos. I am deliberately trying to stay off social media. Although there are some funny memes out there it is still permeated with negativity. I do however check it now and again to see how friends and family are holding up. So far so good as the saying goes. I wish I could say that things are well and quiet in my mind, yet they are not. It’s not the normal circus up there and I don’t like the way the world events are taking over my thoughts. It’s a fractured din that is hard to decipher.
Yet here I am in a place that seems out of place. The surreal atmosphere surrounding me is too thick in the air. As I become more and more bombarded with the everchanging news and restrictions I find that I miss the comfort of the old noise in my head. At least there I could find a constant aire to my thoughts. There my darkness had a spark of whimsey. I am however hopeful that this dismal plague on my consciousness will fade. Even though we are tethered to this pandemic of pause we will arise to retake our places in the world. Yet for now, time tick, tick, ticks in time with the madness.