I remember how as a child I used to view the world. Although much has faded over time the premise of vision is still there. And even in its innocence the ability to see dreams and fantasy come alive in a child’s mind. Clouded and shadowed as the sight now seems to be, the feelings of emotions that were tethered with the hope of things to come are still anchored in my memories. Visions of a simpler time; a playful time. Times that are gone yet fondly sought as time goes on. It was a time when rainbows had their buried treasure and clouds only brought imaginings of creatures in the sky.
I think of how as a young man I then saw my world. With the first love, the first job, or the first car came with them the visions of responsibilities I then thought I wanted. Then rents came due along with utilities to pay. Managing time for work as well as time for play. It became ever increasingly difficult to manage the balance of both. Yet still, in looking back, there was an air of hope. Only slightly tinged with a little fear of what might come into sight with the next paycheck. Could the dreams then imagined, offer the reality of the future’s vision sought?
I see things through a different lens now as I gaze into my world. Time has passed. Both the child and the young man are seen only as memories looked at as gone. Would they see me as I am now and be pleased with the man in the mirror? Would they be disappointed at the disregard of their hopes and dreams for their future lives? I would hope that I have kept some of those visions close enough to heart that I did not let them go. Though even now I see the passing of time and realize the hazing over of that sight that only the younger me had sight to see.
I wonder what things I will see tomorrow when I reflect upon my world. Where I try to grasp and hold onto the sights of yesterday, I also try to focus on what I might see in myself in the years to come. Still, there are some memories that I wish would fade; no one is perfect. Yet I am where I am and am going in the direction I wish to be. The imaginings of visions yet to come, hold a promise that I could not see through younger, childish eyes. It is only in the eyes of age that comes the sight of time. Even though I know it to be passing I look forward to time spent even more.
I ponder over what you might have seen when looking at your world. Do you see hindsight clearly? Are your dreams still in focus? The foundations of your past can withstand the passing of your time if you keep them in your sight. I hope that you do not see regret and only realize the visions of growth that will lead you into your imaginings of tomorrow. The younger you, the child of you, is still looking for you to see yourself as you wish to be seen. I wonder if we open our eyes to what can be if we will see tomorrows reflection? Today I see yet wonder if in time I’ll see at all?